9 Ways To Prevent A Robbery At Your Business


In the words of the great Donna Summer, you work hard for the money. As such, you should invest in keeping it and your other assets safe. Don’t make it easy for a bad guy to make off with your hard work. Here are a few proactive things businesses can do to prevent robbery.


1. Keep windows clear of signs that impair visibility.

Just being able to see inside a business is often a good deterrent.


2. Eliminate hiding places

keeping aisles clear and doing a thorough walkthrough prior to closing.


3. Keep your business well-lit

inside and out to discourage potential break-ins.


4. Make eye contact with everyone who enters your place of business.

This lets them know they have been recognized.


5. If you have an alarm system, make sure you post warning signs

both inside and out to let all your customers know the premises are actively monitored.


6. Pay close attention to surroundings at opening and closing times.

Having two people present during these hours reduces the likelihood of an opportunist crime.


7. Keep side and back doors locked

to prevent unauthorized entry by unknown people.


8. If you detect a suspicious person, contact police.

Because it’s better to be safe than sorry.


9. Talk with employees about what to do in the event of a robbery.

Such as mentally collecting identifying info while also cooperating to minimize the risk of employee harm. And if you find that you’ve been robbed, don’t touch anything. Call 911, lock the doors and wait for help to arrive.


Take the first step towards protecting your employees, customers, and property. call Millennium Fire & Security for a free estimate. Ask about our facial recognition software!  In the event you are robbed, you’ll have good quality for the police.