6 Tips to Stay Safe While Holiday Shopping


The Millennium Fire & Security team wants everyone to have a safe and happy holiday season. With that in mind, we would like to share these 6 tips for you while you are out shopping during the holidays.


  1. Be aware of your surroundings. Shop in areas with well-lit parking lots and where security cameras are visible. Have your keys in hand when approaching your car, and be sure to check the back seat before getting in. You can also deter pickpockets by carrying your purse close to your body, or your wallet inside a coat or front pocket.
  2. Do not leave packages or valuables visible in your car windows. Lock them in the trunk to hide them from view or take them home immediately if you are able.
  3. Only buy what you can carry or ask for assistance. For larger shopping trips, plan ahead by taking a friend with you or you can ask a store employee or security guard to walk with you to your car or to help you carry your packages to your vehicle.
  4. Keep your credit cards hidden until necessary. We suggest waiting until asked before taking out your credit card or a checkbook.
  5. Tell a security guard or store employee if you see an unattended bag or package in or around a store, or near buses or other forms of mass-transit.
  6. When shopping with children, be sure to make a plan in case you are separated. Make sure your child knows a contact phone number for you. If the children are too small to remember the phone number, pin a copy of the number on the inside of their jackets. You can also teach children to ask mall personnel or store security employees if they need help.


Staying safe while shopping online is also important. Remember to shop with familiar sites that are using secure practices. Their URL will begin with HTTPS, and they shouldn’t need your social security number or birthday to do business. Log out of the website completely before leaving your computer and create strong passwords for all your shopping accounts. Use your own wi-fi network and try not to shop on your computer in public. Check statements regularly for fraudulent charges.


To find more shopping tips and other useful personal safety information, visit the National Crime Prevention Council’s website www.ncpc.org.


For ways to improve the safety of your home or business and the surrounding areas, give us a call us at 407-890-0506. We ensure that we always work within our clients’ budgets and offer affordable maintenance plans for our safety systems. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays!