Millennium Fire & Alarm will do whatever it takes to make their clients happy and satisfied with their alarm service.
We bet you’ve heard that promise before, but have you found an alarm company that actually follows through with their promise? Here’s a case in point from one of our clients:
“Our alarm system company – quite well known – managed our alarm system and quite frankly, every time we would talk to them, they would promise to do one thing and then do another (or nothing at all). We finally decided to change alarm companies because that company would make an appointment and not show up, and IF they did show up, they would not take responsibility for the problems we were having. They’d either say they couldn’t fix it or someone else had to fix it. This was costing us thousands of dollars for no service.” — A Client
Sadly, the client’s business was going unprotected because their alarm company wasn’t accountable for services they “said” they would do. This won’t happen with Millennium Fire & Alarm. When we make an appointment, we actually show up! We show up and correct whatever the problem is. You need alarm service, and we provide it! We take our job seriously. End of story. All alarm companies can say they’ll be there, but Millennium Fire & Alarm makes that a PROMISE, and we show up! Yes, we do that for our clients. You can count on it. Our clients are #1 to us.
So, if you want a top notch alarm system and a top-notch alarm company to install it, service it, and actually show up when you need them, call Millennium Fire & Alarm. Your business is important to you. Our promise is to keep it safe.